Špajza 31. siječnja 2017.

Koja ludnica: Pivo s popularnim keksima

Pivska edukacija
foto: Thinkstock
gastro postao gastro.24sata.hr
Spajanje piva i keksa možda izgleda nespojivo, ali definitivno to nije!

Vjerojatno ste Oreo kekse navikli jesti same ili s čašom mlijeka u koje ih umačete, ali jeste li ih ikad poželjeli jesti s pivom? Vjerojatno baš i ne!

Ovaj pomalo nespojivi spoj, dolazi iz, naravno, Amerike, a čini se da i nije tako loš.

Američka craft pivovara, The Veil Brewing Co., odlučila se proizvesti određenu količinu piva od Oreo keksa i 7% -tnog jakog piva s čokoladnim mlijekom. 

Naime, većina onih koji su probali ovo pivo  oduševljena je okusom! A sva pakiranja od po 4 piva su rasprodana!


This Tuesday January 24th will be the debut of Hornswoggler with Oreos! 😳 That's right. You heard right. We took our 7% robust chocolate milk stout Hornswoggler and conditioned it on hundreds of pounds of Oreo cookies. If you like Oreo cookies, this is a must try. *THERE MAY BE SOME RESIDUAL FERMENTABLE SUGARS FROM THE COOKIES IN THE BEER. WE HIGHLY SUGGEST KEEPING THESE CANS AS COLD AS POSSIBLE AT ALL TIMES. WE ALSO SUGGEST CONSUMING THIS BEER AS FRESH AS POSSIBLE FOR THE MOST INTENSE OREO CHARACTER POSSIBLE.* Shooting for approx 55-80 cases. $17+tax/4-pack. 1x 4-pack per person. *CASES PACKAGED AND LIMITS SUBJECT TO CHANGE* We will also be hiding 5x Golden Tokens(seen in front of the can) underneath the 4-pack holders(only on Hornswoggler cans). Find one of these coins and give it to a staff member behind the bar to get a free Golden Hornswoggler glass(as seen in the picture in this post; the Hornswoggler himself is on the back side of the glass)! This is the ONLY way to get your hands on this glass. We will never sell this glass. It is only acquired if you are the lucky few to find a Golden Token. We hope you guys can make it for Tuesday January 24th's can release. Doors open at 4pm! 🏄🏻

A photo posted by THE VEIL BREWING CO. (@theveilbrewing) on

Iako se ovo pivo može kupiti samo u Americi, ostaje nam nadati se da će i kod nas netko doći na sličnu ideju pa pomiješati pivo s nečim slatkim! 

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